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Raspunsurile puzzle-ului [19]
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[#19] gheorghe de asta ni
[#18] Skorn Kourou lies at latitude 5°3', just over 500 km north of the equator. Its nearness to the equator makes it ideally placed for launches into geostationary transfer orbit as few changes have to be made to a satellite’s trajectory.
Ariane 5 lifts off
Streaking into the sky... Launchers also profit from the ‘slingshot’ effect, that is the energy created by the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the axis of the Poles. This increases the speed of a launcher by 460 m per second. These important factors save fuel and money, and prolong the active life of satellites.
[#5] ramsesbt cred ca este legat de atractie gravitationala mai mica din acel punct sau de conditiile atmosferice sau din motive de securitate sau din cauza orbitei.....sau nush
[#3] daleman "This place is situated in Perere, Borgou, Benin, its geographical coordinates are 9° 47' 0" North, 2° 53' 0" East and its original name (with diacritics) is Korou."
Dupa cum vedeti Korou e in Africa... Si cine a zis ca europenii lanseaza rachete in spatiu de acolo?
[#2] nycky10 :-??
[#1] marinela spataru NU STU
Dar doar dupa ce rezolvi si tu puzzle-ul! Asa vei afla si raspunsul corect!